
Showing posts from July, 2021

Boardwalk: Episode 2...Attack of the Minks

The other day, we went for a family walk on the local boardwalk. On our way back, we saw about 6 minks climb over the sea wall and start running away from us. They got to a certain point and then they were trapped by a couple who were fishing ahead of us. When we got closer, we were able to snap a few photos and here's what I got.

A Trip to Greenfield Village and Memories

So we recently visited Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI.  During that visit, a few things I saw reminded me of podcasts that I have done. There are only two pictures below but there were a few more things I should have taken pictures of. This is the Smiths Creek train station that was on Thomas Edison's route when heading back and forth between Port Huron and Detroit. This is a steam shovel that was in a kid's play area in the village. I believe that it is modeled off of the book "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel."